Arabic Stop words

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Developers: Taha Zerrouki: taha dot zerrouki at gmail dot com

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Release 0.9
License GPL
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Citation T. Zerrouki‏, Arabic Stop Words


It's not easy to detemine the stop words, and in other hand, stop words differs according to the case, for this purpos, we propose a classified list which can be parametered by developper.

The Word list contains only words in its common forms, and we have generated all forms by a script.

It can used as library 'see section arabicstopwords library'


  • data-source/ : contains source data of stopwords
  • data-source/classified/stopwords.ods: data in LibreOffice format with more valuble informations, and classified stopwords
  • releases/latest: csv/sql/python formats:
  • Classified stop words (lemmas)
  • Inflected forms
  • Corpus based lists

  • docs: docs files

  • scripts: scripts used to generate all forms, and file formats


This project contains two parts: - Data part, which contains classified stopwords, all generated forms, in multiple format - CSV - Python - SQL / Sqlite - another list of most frequent in corpus like (Wikipedia and Tashkeela Corpus) - Python library for handling stopwords.

Data Structure

Two fromats of data are given: - classified words (lemma) with features to generate inflected froms - Generated forms from lemmas with adding affixes.

Stopwords Example

Minimal classified data .ODS/CSV file - 1st field : unvocalised word ( في) - 2nd field : type of the word: e.g. حرف - 3rd field : class of word : e.g. preposition

Affixation infomration in other fields: - 4th field : AIN in Arabic , if word accept Conjunction 'العطف', '' else - 5th field : TEH in Arabic , if word accept definate article 'ال التعريف', '' else - 6th field : JEEM in Arabic , if word accept preposition article 'حروف الجر المتصلة', '' else
- 7th field : DAD in Arabic , if word accept IDAFA articles 'الضمائر المتصلة', '
' else
- 7th field : SAD in Arabic , if word accept verb conjugation articles 'التصريف', '' else
- 8th field : LAM in Arabic , if word accept LAM QASAM articles 'لام القسم', '
' else
- 8th field : MEEM in Arabic , if word has ALEF LAM as definition article 'معرف', '*' else

All forms data CSV file - 1st field : unvocalised word ( بأنك) - 2nd field : vocalised inflected word with : e.g. ف-ب-خمسين-ي - 3rd field: word type (super class): noun, verb, tool حرف - 4th field: word type (sub class): إنّ وأخواتها - 5th field: original or lemma: إن - 6th field: procletic : ب - 7th field: stem : أن - 8th field: encletic: ك - 9th field: tags: جر:مضاف

word    vocalized   type    category    original    procletic   stem    encletic    tags
بأنك    بِأَنّكَ    حرف إن و أخواتها    أن  ب-      -ك  جر:مضاف
بأنكما  بِأَنّكُمَا حرف إن و أخواتها    أن  ب-      -كما    جر:مضاف

How to customize stop word list

  • check the minimal form data file (stopwords.csv)
  • comment by "#" all words which you don't need
  • run
  • catch the output of script in releases folder.

How to update data

  • check if the word doesn't exist in the minimal form data file ( classified/stopwords.ods)
  • add affixation information
  • run
  • catch the output of script in releases folder.

Arabic Stop words Library


pip install arabicstopwords


  • test if a word is stop
>>> import arabicstopwords.arabicstopwords as stp
>>> # test if a word is a stop
... stp.is_stop(u'ممكن')
>>> stp.is_stop(u'منكم')
  • stem a stopword
>>> word = u"لعلهم"
>>> stp.stop_stem(word)

  • list all stop words
>>> stp.stopwords_list()
>>> len(stp.stopwords_list())
>>> len(stp.classed_stopwords_list())
  • give all forms of a stopword
>>> stp.stopword_forms(u"على")
>>> len(stp.stopword_forms(u"على"))
  • get stopword as list of dictionaries
>>> from arabicstopwords.stopwords_lexicon import stopwords_lexicon 
>>> lexicon = stopwords_lexicon()
>>> # test if a word is a stop
... lexicon.is_stop(u'ممكن')
>>> lexicon.is_stop(u'منكم')
>>> lexicon.get_features_dict(u'منكم')
[{'vocalized': 'منكم', 'procletic': '', 'tags': 'حرف;حرف جر;ضمير', 'stem': 'من', 'type': 'حرف', 'original': 'من', 'encletic': '-كم'}]
  • get stopword as tuple
>>> from arabicstopwords.stopwords_lexicon import stopwords_lexicon 
>>> lexicon = stopwords_lexicon()
>>> tuples = lexicon.get_stopwordtuples(u'منكم')
>>> tuples
[<stopwordtuple.stopwordTuple object at 0x7fd93b3d12b0>]
>>> for tup in tuples:
...     print(tup)
{'vocalized': 'منكم', 'procletic': '', 'tags': 'حرف;حرف جر;ضمير', 'stem': 'من', 'type': 'حرف', 'original': 'من', 'encletic': '-كم'}
>>> >>> for tup in tuples:
...     dir(tup)
['accept_conjuction', 'accept_conjugation', 'accept_definition', 'accept_inflection', 'accept_interrog', 'accept_preposition', 'accept_pronoun', 'accept_qasam', 'accept_tanwin', 'get_action', 'get_enclitic', 'get_feature', 'get_features_dict', 'get_lemma', 'get_need', 'get_object_type', 'get_procletic', 'get_stem', 'get_tags', 'get_vocalized', 'get_wordclass', 'get_wordtype', 'is_defined', 'stop_dict']
  • get stopword by categories
>>> from arabicstopwords.stopwords_lexicon import stopwords_lexicon 
>>> lexicon = stopwords_lexicon()
>>> lexicon.get_categories()
['حرف', 'ضمير', 'فعل', 'اسم', 'اسم فعل', 'حرف ابجدي']
>>> lexicon.get_by_category("اسم فعل", lemma=True, vocalized=True)
['آهاً', 'بَسّْ', 'بَسْ', 'حَايْ', 'صَهْ', 'صَهٍ', 'طَاقْ', 'طَقْ', 'عَدَسْ', 'كِخْ', 'نَخْ', 'هَجْ', 'وَا', 'وَا', 'وَاهاً', 'وَيْ', 'آمِينَ', 'آهٍ', 'أُفٍّ', 'أُفٍّ', 'أَمَامَكَ', 'أَوَّهْ', 'إِلَيْكَ', 'إِلَيْكُمْ', 'إِلَيْكُمَا', 'إِلَيْكُنَّ', 'إيهِ', 'بخٍ', 'بُطْآنَ', 'بَلْهَ', 'حَذَارِ', 'حَيَّ', 'دُونَكَ', 'رُوَيْدَكَ', 'سُرْعَانَ', 'شَتَّانَ', 'عَلَيْكَ', 'مَكَانَكَ', 'مَكَانَكِ', 'مَكَانَكُمْ', 'مَكَانَكُمَا', 'مَكَانَكُنَّ', 'مَهْ', 'هَا', 'هَاؤُمُ', 'هَاكَ', 'هَلُمَّ', 'هَيَّا', 'هِيتَ', 'هَيْهَاتَ', 'وَرَاءَكَ', 'وَرَاءَكِ', 'وُشْكَانَ', 'وَيْكَأَنَّ', 'وَرَاءَكُما', 'وَرَاءَكُمْ', 'وَرَاءَكُنَّ', 'بِئْسَمَا']


If you would cite it in academic work, can you use this citation

T. Zerrouki‏, Arabic Stop Words,, 2010

Another Citation:

Zerrouki, Taha. "Towards An Open Platform For Arabic Language Processing." (2020).

or in bibtex format

  title={Arabic Stop Words},
  author={Zerrouki, Taha},
  title={Towards An Open Platform For Arabic Language Processing},
  author={Zerrouki, Taha},